“LTC (Retired) Amicitia Maloon-Gibson on behalf of the Women’s Army Corps Veterans’ Association and 2010 Convention Committee, I thank you for being our Guest Speaker at our Pallas Athena Luncheon (Tampa, FL). Sharing highlights of your miliary journey was enjoyed by all. Thank you again and we wish you continued success.”
- Susie M. Stephens-McArthur, 2010 WACVA, National Convention Chairperson
“Certificate of Merit Awarded for your outstanding support to the 28th Annual Federal Women’s Training & Awards Program.”
- Mr. Richard H. Howell, Executive Director of Baltimore Federal Executive Board.
“You are awesome and the attendees you energy, enthusiasm your presentations. Hope you have time for us next year.”
- Cassandra Fowlkes, Chairperson, Federal Employed Women, Baltimore, Maryland
Thank-you for your support of Women’s History Month Installation Program as our Keynote Speaker, “You are exceptional” continue to be a legacy for women and men.
- Women’s History Month Committee, Patrick Air Force Base, FL.
“It was truly a pleasure to hear your speech about Women In the Military, especially your personal experiences. We are proud of having such a distinguished guest as our guest.”
- I. Prisco On behalf of Cocoa Beach rotary Club # 4390
“Thanks, Cita for sharing you wisdom with us at BPW Venice. We enjoyed your presentation. I enjoyed reading “Leadership Lessons from My Father, in your “Baby Boomer’s Handbook”.
- E. Byrd V.P. BPW, Venice, FL
“Thanks, Cita for your support in presenting to our Young Women at Camp BPW. Giving your time, leadership and experience was a great value added for our camp.
- Venita Valdez-Garvin, State President, Florida Business and Professional Women
“My name is Y.F.B., Information Technology Specialist, with the IRS, Detroit Computing Center. I am a first time attendee and delegate for Blacks In Government’s National Training Conference (NTC) in Kansas City, MO last week. I wanted to send this note of thanks for your presentation at the Blacks In Government, National Training Conference workshop”. Your knowledge you provided was invaluable. I would like to present a Lunch and Learn of an overview of each workshop I attended. This will allow me to share my positive experiences with my colleagues who were not able to attend the NTC. Thanks you again for your professionalism and encouragement.”
“Cita, thanks a million. I spent thousands with a Life Coach and didn’t receive one-fourth of what you have given me as a coach in two months. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to others and me.”
- E.P. Palm Bay
You are in a class by yourself–yes you are a Diamond and Pearl, strong, resilient and intelligent. I am honored to have you as my “cc” – confidant and coach.
- The General (Your confidant too). Washington, DC